Joel Cummins

Sociologists marvel at the enigma that is Joel Cummins, one rarely finds an only child like Joel loose in the wild. An eternal optimist and beacon of positivity, it takes more than a broken keyboard and curfew mix up to rain on Joel’s parade. Unbeknownst to many, Mr. Cummins actually hails from Metropolis, Illinois. After years of rigorous piano studies, Joel expanded his arsenal to include more than 119 keyboards (after intense negotiations with the crew, Joel’s setup has been limited to six, occasionally seven keyboards, in his live rig). Joel’s passions extend far beyond the musical realm, with a love for travel with his wife Dasha, great cuisine, chatting up strangers and generally making the world a better place whether he’s on the road or at home in Venice, California. His energy is infectious and despite his age, he still throws a pretty mean spiral.