Son Ranto’s Ranter Roundtable

A Cubs season post mortem

Join some of the best minds in the baseball biz as the Son Ranto show welcomes an All-Star Cast of Cubs fans, writers, podcasters and personalities to recap the 2022 season.

Live at 7PM CT. on Wednesday October 5th.

Son Ranto’s Danny Rockett and Michael Cotton welcome Club 400’s Stewart McVicar, Cubs organist John Benedeck, Comedian Joe Kilgallon, Infield Fly Girl, CHGO’s Cody Delmendo, The Director of Morale “DOM”, Sports Talk’s Alex Patt, Bleed Cubbie Blue’s Sara Sanchez, Captain Cubbo, Mai Tai Guy, Comedian Billy Devore and Fly the W’s Crawly.

Tune in right here!!