Clark the Cub Voted Best Mascot by MLB Fans
Rejoice, Bleacher Bums! According to a survey conducted by PlayUSA, the beloved Clark the Cubs is MLB royalty. Fans across the nation were asked to rate all 27 official mascots (apparently, three teams don’t believe in fun) on a scale from 1-5, and ratings were then averaged to determine the final rankings.
It’s no surprise that Clark came out on top because, after all, he‘s downright delightful. To add salt to little brother’s wound, White Sox representative, Southpaw, ranked near the bottom as the 6th-worst mascot.
What was a little surprising was seeing the Phillie Phanatic come in way down at number 12. The Philadelphia mascot has always seemed like a lovable character but I suppose that the popularity of each team played a fairly significant role in these rankings.
Click here to check out the survey results.