Yu Darvish Donating Proceeds from YouTube Channel to Various Charities

No matter what Yu Darvish does, there will probably still be people who are upset with him for having the gall to accept the Cubs’ contract offer and then to have the further temerity to get hurt during his first season in Chicago. That’s cool, though, they can just eat fried chicken until death. For those who weren’t blinded by bias, the big righty blossomed into the staff ace last season and has come into his own from a personality standpoint as well.

The deadpan sense of humor that may have been blunted for a while because he wasn’t fully comfortable at first in Chicago has come out full force over the last year or so. Darvish is active on Twitter in both English and Japanese and also hosts a YouTube channel (or YuTube) with nearly 500,000 subscribers. If you understand anything about how YouTube works, that kind of following can generate quite a bit of money.

In this case, it was 4.7 million yen, approximately $43,000, in November alone. Per a Nikkan Sports report and further translation by the LA Times’ Dylan Hernandez, Darvish split those proceeds between a national cancer research center and an NPO corporation that supports single-mother households.

Darvish plans to continue using his YouTube earnings for charity, saying he plans to donate additional money to coronavirus-related causes. With allowance for some hiccups in Google Translate, it sounds as though he’s both letting the cash accumulate and waiting to see where his money can do the most good.

“I’m still waiting,” Darvish said. “I want to make a donation where I’m really in trouble when things get a little better.”