Watch: Ian Happ Gets Up Close and Personal in Latest Episode of ‘The Offseason’

We all need a little bit of baseball in times like these. Even if it isn’t watching actual games, just hearing from players and teams offers us some light. Ian Happ is doing all he can to help fill the void.

Happ’s been publishing a podcast called “The Compound” and now he’s the focus of the latest episode of “The Offseason” by Cubs Productions. It’s interesting to hear him talk about “feeling like you belong, feeling like you’re a big-league player, convincing yourself of that” because it really cuts to the core of every ballplayer who hopes to make it to the big leagues.

Even though it’s sunny afternoons at the ballpark we’re all hungry for, the shots of Wrigley Field in the snow really got my blood flowing. Just a beautiful scene.

Enjoy, friends.