The London Series Has Officially Been Cancelled

Reports out of the U.K. last week said the London Series between the Cubs and Cardinals on June 13-14 would be cancelled, but MLB made it official Wednesday morning. This is the least surprising news ever, since it had been assumed at least as far back as March 12, when MLB suspended operations, that the event was in peril.

News about the U.K. government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic spelled doom all on its own, then you add in a timeline that features an early June resumption of the season at the earliest. As certain as this had been for quite some time, it’s still incredibly disappointing for those folks who’d made plans to attend.

There has been no word on whether the London Series will continue next season, but MLB was pleased with last year’s tilt between the Yankees and Red Sox and surely would like to keep something going. My hope is that they just try to run it back with the Cubs and Cards in 2021, giving fans the opportunity to make that bucket-list trip a year later.