Final Wrigley Construction Update: Grass Gets Greener, Cubs Release Sneak-Peak Videos of Enhancements

We’re down to only a few days before the Cubs return to Wrigley Field for their first home as defending champions. Is it weird that I’d never really thought about it that way before? Like, they had the parade and everything, but actually playing a game is a whole ‘nother deal entirely. And a pretty awesome one.

The players will be festooned in all the gold gear you’ve seen advertised on this site and elsewhere, which means I’m going to have to turn on the radio broadcast just to hear Pat Hughes describe the unique unis. And it’ll all take place against the verdant backdrop of that beautiful field. Well, sort of. The grass isn’t exactly perfect yet, though you’d be hard pressed to tell from this aerial shot.

Get in a little closer and you can tell that, while the surface still looks good, things are a little less than pristine.

And you don’t need to be Kurtis Blow to zoom in a little and clearly make out the breaks in the recently installed rolls of sod.

Original photo via @WrigleyAerials

Maybe I’m just seeing things, but an even closer inspection reveals what appears to be a not-so-subtle troll job by the Wrigley grounds crew.

Photo via Randall Sanders by way of Wrigley Aerials

Ah, good times. As for what’s been going on with the ballpark itself, the Cubs recently released a series of videos detailing the various enhancements, changes, and rearrangements that have taken place since Game 5 of the World Series. Crews have basically been working non-stop since the series moved back to Cleveland and they’re only now finishing up.

The deep postseason run obviously shortened the construction timeline, which was then aided by a surprisingly mild winter. Maybe God finally decided enough really was enough for the Cubs. But can you imagine if there’d been another Chiberia? People’d be peeing in their unbreakable Hefty cups at the home opener…again. And out of necessity, not just some “Hey, bro, check it out” stunt.

Anyway, check out the vids and see what you think of the new digs.