Cubs News Update: Sunday Check in, Being Thankful, Cubs Convention Ticket Frustration, & More

Here we are, eyeing down Thanksgiving week. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably still a little ‘off’ on your schedule and still trying to catch up from that epic Cubs World Championship run, not to mention the 5 million person parade and subsequent celebrating that, well, is really still going on. I only just now feel like I’m starting to get back in a rhythm after being away from home for most of October to follow the Cubs along their historic postseason run. And now, we’re getting ready to leave town again to visit the Wife’s family in Texas and eat some turkey together.

  • Speaking of turkey, did you get tickets to the Cubs convention on Friday? I sure didn’t and you can bet I tried. I first went for the Mastercard presale and got rejected as soon as I finally got past the virtual waiting room and into the actual ticket office, around 20 minutes after the sale began. Once in the ticket office, it looked like you could request tickets, in fact it prompted me to select how many tickets I wanted only to be told there were no tickets left. The kind folks in charge of the Cubs’ social media also sent out this tweet:

  • I proceeded to wait until noon CT for the general public sale. I had a combination of eight computers, iPads, and iPhones in front of me all attempting to get past the waiting room and into the actual ticket office to purchase tickets for the convention. I got through almost immediately, at 12:04, only to find out that all the tickets had been sold out. Bummer, like major, big-time bummer.
  • The bottom line is this – the Cubs won the World Series and things are going to be different going forward. Things like the Cubs Convention selling out in minutes, tickets being offered at 3 times face value on Stub Hub, tickets for regular season games at Wrigley being harder to come by, and more expensive, etc. This is the price we pay for the success we’ve wanted for so long. When you have a winner, especially one as awesome as the Chicago Cubs, a lot of people want to be involved, I get it. It’s good, really, it is. It just makes it more difficult for some hard-core fans that maybe don’t have the financial means to be able to navigate through the forest now that the cost of entry, and overall demand, has gone way up, which leads me to my next point.
  •  It’s time to give thanks. Thanks for all the years that led to this one, thanks to all the fans that sat in the bleachers on those long summer days before the Cubs won the World Series or, for that matter, won at all. Thanks to all the fans that went to Wrigley Field when being at Wrigley Field during a baseball game was the reason you went, not necessarily because the Cubs were going to win. Really, just a big thanks to all the hard-core fans that have been supporting this team since they were young. My kids (ages 3 and 4) won’t ever know the Cubs’ teams we’ve all grown to know and love, the teams that didn’t dominate, they’ll only know the Cubs as World Champions. That’s hard for me to completely wrap my head around but it’s true, and awesome, nonetheless.