Fan Injured After Jumping From Wrigley Field Bleachers During Rain Delay
With torrential rains pushing back the start of the Cubs/Braves game that had been rescheduled for Thursday night due to rain, the mood was already as gray as the weather. It didn’t get any better for the hardy fans who had chosen to wait out the delayed start when they saw one of their own lying on the warning track out in right-center.
Cubs personnel are attending to the fan. Appears to be slightly moving. pic.twitter.com/XJj8ZuU8g2
— Brett Lyons (@Brett__Lyons) July 8, 2016
I can’t even imagine. I’m not even there and I’m feeling a little sick right now.
Fan being carted from field after apparent fall from bleachers. pic.twitter.com/WND6fM0Rsj
— Gordon Wittenmyer (@GDubMLB) July 8, 2016
I don’t even know how the hell this is possible, what with the basket (which was added in 1970 to prevent fans from interfering with fly balls and/or falling onto the field) and all. I mean, sure, the first conclusion everyone jumps to is beer, but unless they’re lacing that stuff with rocket fuel I’m just not sure how even the most booze-addled idiot could make that jump. Besides, it’s really hard to get a beer out there in the bleachers, or so I’m told.
Before I take this too far, I want to note that I have no clue as to whether alcohol was involved (see updates below) and all that’s available at this point are a bunch of social media posts. It seems like something that happened too quickly for anyone to notice, particularly when each of the three dozen or so fans actually there were watching the Kerry Wood 20-strikeout game on the left field video board.
Regardless of motive or level of inebriation — and it’s possible neither was at play — I just hope the person is okay. That’s just a scary sight. More on this story as it develops.
@DEvanAltman I’m sitting 5 seats over, guy was extremely drunk, climbed on wall and tried to jump, but hit the basket. Was unconscious
— Joel (@JoelMcKinnon) July 8, 2016
@DEvanAltman had on Mets jersey, and had already been told twice to get off the wall, as he had been sitting on it and straddling it.
— Joel (@JoelMcKinnon) July 8, 2016
The Cubs have released a brief statement regarding the fan. Not much we didn’t already know, other than the info on the hospital.
Prior to tonight’s game, a fan was injured after attempting to jump onto the field from the Wrigley Field bleachers. The fan was taken by paramedics to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. We are unable to provide further comment on his condition at this time. We will remain in contact with the fan’s family to stay updated on his progress.
Listen, I’ve have more than my fair share of beers, at the ballpark and otherwise, but stuff like this is just a whole ‘nother level of stupid. I still truly hope this individual is safe and that those motionless minutes were more about getting the wind knocked out of him and just being stunned. At the same time, it’s hard to feel sorry for the guy if events transpired as Joel described above.
I’m not about to tell you not to enjoy yourself or to avoid pushing the envelope every of propriety once in a while. But please, please don’t put yourself or others in danger by doing so.