Albert Almora Crushes Monster Home Run (Video)

Albert Almora is a highlight waiting to happen, as he showed several times during spring training. But questions about his ability at the play have lingered and have caused many to wonder whether he’s got the chops to make it as the Cubs’ everyday center fielder. To be fair, there aren’t many hitters on the planet would could surpass what Dexter Fowler’s done on the young season.

Almora’s been more than holding his own in AAA though, slashing .333/.390/.510 with a pair of home runs. He’s also walked six times against seven strikeouts. And then there was the homer he hit last night. While a single hit can neither define nor alter a narrative, it can cause me to drool.

The lack of angles prevents us from getting too much perspective here, but let’s see what those who witnessed it had to say.

So that’s fun. I am very much looking forward to seeing this young man at Wrigley on a permanent basis.