Fascinating GIF of Every MLB Team’s Logo Change May be the Most Mesmerizing Thing I’ve Ever Seen Outside of R.A. Dickey’s Knuckler
When some people hear “GIF,” they think of a compressed video that allows them to get kind of a flip-book version of a more robust original video. Or maybe they think of peanut butter. That’s probably why I didn’t have very high expectations when I first saw the tweet claiming to show every MLB logo change since the dawn of time, or at least 1876.
That was before I gazed upon the majesty of what Eric Orvieto had created, a moving picture that might well be the Sistine Chapel ceiling of baseball-related GIFs. I just hope you’re not checking this out at work because, well, RIP the rest of your day.
Oh hey, you’re still here? I see I have some more work to do. To that end, I humbly submit for your consideration this slow-motion GIF of an R.A. Dickey knuckleball. ABC News producer and photographer Meredith Frost unearthed this gem and then set it free on Twitter to ruin productivity forevermore. Let me know if you need me to write a note to your boss.